About Us
Who We Are
Com & Com is a digital & creative design agency based in London and Istanbul. For us, it all started thirty years ago in Istanbul and beginning of 2018, we spread out to London. And our family keeps expanding even while you are reading this!
We create projects for purpose-driven businesses.
We provide brand building, advertising and marketing communications services based on a deep understanding of the industry you are in. We set business goals and strategic targets based on your sector.
We take real pride in executing your every single project without the limitation of size and budget.
So bring It ON!
What We Believe
We focus on connecting your audience to your brand.. We know that, building beautiful & meaningful and target focused projects drives a business forward every single day.
We keep things simple.
We deliver hands-on experiences, creative thinking, and design-in-action initiatives.
We believe that every great project needs strong ideas and clients need inspiring teams who can guide them through different strategies and new movements in the digital world both online and offline.
How We Work
At Com & Com, we foresee our clients needs in order to proactively materialize their visions into game changing products and services.
As a 360-degree creative agency we know how to draw an engaging visual stories and how to deliver them from suitable channels to ensure an integrated approach to your marketing communications.
Our goal is simple:
We make your projects shine and your target goals executed.
Our work process consists of; learning your business, utilize your goals in an effective manner, strategize your projects without compromising your brand's reputation.
And being creative all the time!
What We Do
Com & Com is a digital design agency. We partner with global world-known brands to deliver projects and services that break through the noise.
We help our clients rethink their businesses through a customer experience mindset. We guide them through the ever-changing digital landscape and align their organizations around what truly matters to customers. We guide them through alternative roads and choose the right and fastest ones to take them where they want to go.
We create added value for your brand by delivering solid results, well executed. We make your dream projects come to life.
Compelling. Credible. But most important of all, relevant.
Meet The Folks:
Founder & Creative Director
Associate Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Writer & Director
Animation Artist
Motion Graphics Designer
Project Manager
Creative Director
Project Manager
Graphics Designer
Design & Production Head